
Steynedt with a Purpose was created to encourage others to discover their purpose and start to live the life that God intended for us. I wanted to create a forum that would help others to understand the journey God has taken them through and how to make the best of that journey. God has a plan for each trail and tribulation. Life is about taking our tests and making them our testimonies.

God laid the name on my heart a few years ago; He gave me the revelation of understanding that a proper stain can not be removed. He stained us with his blood (a proper stain that can not be removed). We are stained by his blood with a God given purpose, your purpose can not be removed.  What are you doing about it? How is God using you? Steynedt with a purpose wants to help you to know that you are capable of the unthinkable. You are strong and courages and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

“…fully carry out the Ministry God has given you.” 2 Timothy 4:5


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